UI Art


UI art for award winning Buddi Bot 

The logo for Buddi Bot I designed in Photoshop.

Part of the internship project Bad AI where I developed the 2-D main menu, in collaboration with the 3-D artist and programmers. Everything except the 3-D robot was created by me. The theming for the menu was that of a infomercial, therefore, the menu looks like an advertisement for Buddi Bot.

The 3-D Phone asset was the main basis for the “AI learning” theme of Buddi Bot that simulates Buddi Bot’s neural network. The sticky notes task list as well as learning history journal allows the player to keep track of the current tasks and what object-to-object relationships Buddi Bot has learned.

Prototype interface of neural network for phone UI
(In game) Finalized images of the phone with the neural network UI

The Buddi Bot mouse cursors are used to signify when the player is in training mode (cursors with red icon on them) or not. They also show when an object is interactive and when the player has clicked on such objects.


Final game assets


UI art for The Quest of Memoria VR Game

The UI spellbook is used when the player needs to reference the spells they have learned and the signs to conjure them. On the right side, the current spell casted will appear.