A compilation of 2-D animations from multiple video game projects from Don’t Roast!, The Alchemist: The Unforetold Tail, and Fightosis VS.
Sprites from the game Don’t Roast!
The game, Don’t Roast! was a team project about the once peaceful Camptropolis that has been corrupted by the humans. The player’s main job is to take on the role of Graham, the marshmallow, fight off his fellow friends, turned monsters, and take revenge on the evil humans. Due to the fact that the main player is a marshmallow, the humans’ appearances are terrifying and their sizes are drastically larger than the marshmallow.
Strawberry Maniac heal animation
Strawberry Maniac phase 2 leaf attack
Strawberry Maniac ground seed attack
Sally punch animation
Sally axe kick animation
Sally transformation to phase 2
Sally phase 2 laugh attack animation
Sally teleport animation
Sprites from the game Paradox
Paradox, the game, was an NES inspired project developed by a team of my fellow classmates and I. The story is about the protagonist, an escapee from the Time Prison, trying to undo his wrongs. The objective is to collect time keys to go back in time to prevent themselves from going to jail. They must protect their past selves and prevent time from repeating, all while avoiding the Time Patrol from catching them.
Sprites from the game The Alchemist: The Unfortold Tail
Alchemist: The Unfortold Tail is a collaboration project about a mage who is on the journey to finding the legendary Philosophers Stone. With the help of a baby dragon, they go on the quest to finding the ingredients to create the stone. While traveling, they may face enemies that will prevent them from obtaining the ingredients. Will they obtain all the components to create the Philosopher’s stone? Find out in Alchemist: The Unfortold Tail!